Customised research
Our business research services offer in-depth reports tailored to the needs of each individual project.
We use a team of local and international staff, carrying out on-the-ground research to provide original, independent data and analysis. Most of our recent work has been undertaken in Myanmar, with recent case studies from 2021 and 2022 below:
Responsible Investment in post-Coup Myanmar, Myanmar Enabling Investment Program
FMR conducted a rapid research assessment of the investment environment in post-coup Myanmar, to identify opportunities for continued operations for development finance institutions, private equity firms and venture capitalists. The project presented an argument for continued engagement with Myanmar’s private sector to support the Myanmar people, and recommendations on how to do this responsibly. The report was coupled with a presentation of findings in an event attended by all key stakeholders in Myanmar’s investment environment including, IFC, ADB, DFC, CDC, Norfund, JICA, MPE&VCA members and Chambers of Commerce.
Military takeover report and coverage, Myanmar
FMR produced a rapid response report providing overview and context for the takeover, while simultaneously providing updates on the rapidly evolving situation. The report included identification of likely outcomes, and ongoing coverage on the likelihood of each eventuating, while gauging impact on the economy.
Post-takeover due diligence – retail sector
FMR conducted reputation due diligence on international retailer with a focus on luxury goods. The report was produced for a Singaporean based entity looking to work with the target organization. The report included overview of Directors, key business partnerships, and licenses. It also included a basic overview of the retail sectors exposure to reputational damage.
Post-takeover due diligence, power sector
After the military takeover in 2021, FMR was contacted to assess the potential exposure of a Myanmar company for an international partner of the target firm. The report was designed to identify the amount of military engagement by the target company, and how any sanctions may affect associates of the target firm. The report also included a basic overview of the power sector’s exposure to reputational damage.
Post-takeover due diligence, mining sector
In light ofthe military takeover in 2021, FMR completed a due diligence on five mining related firm for an international investor. The assessment was to highlight how exposed the international investor may be based on their domestic partnerships, either through connections to the military or organizations with potential connections to the military. The project also involved extensive director mapping and a basic overview of the mining sector’s exposure to reputational damage.
Investigation into Chinese infrastructure projects and their likelihood of delivery
FMR looked into six major Chinese infrastructure projects, producing detailed information on their inception, domestic partners, controversies, and likelihood of delivery, with a mandate to unearth content outside the public domain. The project was undertaken in the aftermath of the Myanmar takeover in February 2021, with the goal of gauging the overall likelihoo dof their delivery.
IT and Telecom sector study, Myanmar
FMR conducted a sector overview study of IT and Telecom players in the Myanmar market for a foreign investor seeking to understand the local landscape. The study focused on the strategy and approach to market twenty of the largest IT firms operating in the country, with the goal of shedding light of their market positioning and future plans.
Country Logistics Assessment, Myanmar
FMR provided an overview of Myanmar’s logistics infrastructure for a large international freight transportation/ supply chain management firm. The report provided an overview of Myanmar’s export/ import markets, key logistical pain points and areas of growth and opportunity. The assessment incorporated government policy, as well as drivers of growth in the logistics sector.
Background investigation into major local downstream company
FMR was hired to conduct due diligence into a major Myanmar downstream-focused company, to support a Japanese company’s potential joint venture. Work specifically included focusing on market reputation and company history, as well as associated entities and potential challenges for the foreign buyer.
Industrial, economic and demographic study for masterplan in border State, Myanmar
FMR undertook a comprehensive assessment of a key border state for a large international master-planning firm. This includes detailed demographic and population forecasts, competitive analysis of the state’s position as a trade center, government plans for future industrial zones, and socio-cultural analysis. The report will support the client in supporting the government’s long-term economic policy plan in that underdeveloped state.
Real estate market and feasibility studies
In addition to the above, Frontier's research team has a particular focus on market studies in the real estate sector.
We have completed over 50 projects in the past few years, which generally also incorporate country and sector research. Developments have included office towers, mixed-use projects, hotels and residential communities.